New Member/Christian Doctrine Classes

Christians Doctrine Classes and New Member Classes are regularly offered at St. Paul’s. Through these classes, folks are given the opportunity to learn more about what we believe as historic Lutherans and can become members of our church if they desire.

During the Covid-19 shutdowns, we are going to finish the remainder of our Christian Doctrine Class through our website. Pastor Sherrill will be posting information here for everyone to read and consider. Those who are able can connect through Zoom meetings if we think that would be helpful. Dates and times will be shared in the near future.

In the meantime, please find the following supplemental resources here that can provide reinforcements to our class discussion. A major supplemental resource to this class is the “What About Series” provided on the LCMS website. Our current class is studying the Lord’s Prayer, then Baptism and then the Lord’s Supper. Please review different articles from this series as they relate to these sections of the Catechism. Since we are currently on the Lord’s Prayer, please feel free to take a listen to the following series of programs from Issues Etc. that deal with the various petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.

In our class we also emphasizes the history and theology of the Lutheran Reformation and what is most fundamental to the teachings of the historic Lutheran Church in the past and remain the same in our day as well. Find a nice discussion on this subject by Dr. Carl Fickenscher here. Issues. Etc. and KFUO Radio provide nice podcasts and talk radio that parallel the content of this class as well.