What to Expect

Our congregation gladly uses the hymns and liturgies in Lutheran Service Book. An outline of the order of service is printed on the right side of the bulletin and can be used to guide you through the service. A bulletin insert contains the psalmody and readings. If you have any questions about following along in the service, the ushers or other members are happy to help you.

Children’s Choir students rehearse from the LSB hymnal during a Wednesday night practice.

St. Paul’s follows a “hymns of the season” strategy at St. Paul’s where a specific hymn is sung at each service throughout the entire season. Having ample time to spend with each hymn, we learn the text, who wrote it, when and where it was written, and its background. As we have more time with each hymn, we find that we come to love them and claim them as our own. Hymns of the season booklets are available for each member and visitor. Hymns of the season recordings are also available for use in the home.

St. Paul’s font and altar.

St. Paul’s also follows the historic practice of close(d) communion. We ask that our visitors speak with the pastors before they communion with us for the first time. If you are in Christian Doctrine Class with us or are visiting from another Christian tradition, feel free to come to the rail and cross your arms in front of you. This will indicate to our pastor that you are at the rail in order to receive a blessing.

Between church services we have a vibrant Adult Bible Class and Sunday School program. We begin in the fellowship hall directly beneath the sanctuary. Come and join us!

What About… Fellowship in the Lord’s Supper?