There are a variety of ways to support the ministry at and through St. Paul’s.
Regular Offerings: Regular offerings are the primary way to support St. Paul’s ministry. Regular, cheerful, first fruits, and proportionate are standards to follow when considering your weekly offerings. Note: During the Covid-19 outbreak, it is very important to remember your offerings, as we are not allow to gather on a weekly basis. Please either mail in your offering, drop it by the office or sign up for “Simply Giving.” This a program run by Thrivent Financial that helps automate your church offerings, so that they are directly withdrawn weekly or monthly. Download and fill out the registration form here.
Memorials: Memorials can be directed at any time toward any project. St. Paul’s Elders and the St. Paul’s Early Childhood Center Board have Memorial list items or “wishes” that can be shown to those wishing to give a memorial gift.
Sunday School Offerings: Typically, Sunday School offerings go to support missions or missionaries identified by the Sunday Schoolers themselves or the Director of Education in consultation with teachers and our pastors.
Endowment and Legacy Gifts: St. Paul’s congregation has recently established an Endowment and Legacy Board. This Board will oversee the conversation of gifts directed to St. Paul’s that are larger in nature. An endowment is a gift that is given where the principle remains and only investment income is used over time. A Legacy gift is a gift that can be used in total for a specific project or purpose. If interested in learning more about this opportunity for supporting St. Paul’s ministries, contact the church office.